Ver anuncios de storefeelviana
Precio: 789 €
Zona de venta: Portugal
Active and fun, the North Reach offers unrivaled versatility and wind range.
When you buy a Reach you have four kites in one.
High jumps, upwind performance and effortless kite relaunch.
The fact of being so light makes the kite excellent in light winds, foil and surf.
2nd hand equipment. If you need more information about the 2nd equipament, contact us at:
Fecha: 15-08-2022
5177 Visitas
Zona de venta: Portugal
Active and fun, the North Reach offers unrivaled versatility and wind range.
When you buy a Reach you have four kites in one.
High jumps, upwind performance and effortless kite relaunch.
The fact of being so light makes the kite excellent in light winds, foil and surf.
2nd hand equipment. If you need more information about the 2nd equipament, contact us at:
Fecha: 15-08-2022
5177 Visitas
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