180 €
Pukas Luke Short Designs 5'9" x 24.1L
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Prezioa: 100 €
Ohol mota: Shortboard
Neurria: Baino gutxiago 5'10
Egoera: Good
Salmenta lurraldea: Katalunia
18 1/4"
2 3/16"
Volume 24.1 litres approx
FCS 1 fin system
Comes with Raptor (Gold Coast, Australia) RCIF UL composite fins and Da Kine tailpad (expertly applied!)
A high performance shortboard from Spain's acclaimed Pukas factory designed and shaped by Luke Short of LSD surfboards.
Would suit an intermediate surfer who weighs 50-55kg (a grom/teenager) or an experienced surfer who weighs 60-65kg.
The board has some years on it but is in great condition with no dings (professionally repaired). I enjoyed surfing this board but it's a little too small for me. It has been spray painted white.
Date: 05-20-2024
2296 Hit(s)
Ohol mota: Shortboard
Neurria: Baino gutxiago 5'10
Egoera: Good
Salmenta lurraldea: Katalunia
18 1/4"
2 3/16"
Volume 24.1 litres approx
FCS 1 fin system
Comes with Raptor (Gold Coast, Australia) RCIF UL composite fins and Da Kine tailpad (expertly applied!)
A high performance shortboard from Spain's acclaimed Pukas factory designed and shaped by Luke Short of LSD surfboards.
Would suit an intermediate surfer who weighs 50-55kg (a grom/teenager) or an experienced surfer who weighs 60-65kg.
The board has some years on it but is in great condition with no dings (professionally repaired). I enjoyed surfing this board but it's a little too small for me. It has been spray painted white.
Date: 05-20-2024
2296 Hit(s)
Bigarren eskuko artikuluak partikularren artean saltzen dira. Artikulu hauetakoren bat erosteko interesa baduzu, saltzailearekin harremanetan jarri eta bi aldeen artean erosketa eta bidalketa kostuak negoziatu behar dituzu. Surfmarket-ek ez du inolako ordainketa edo komisiorik jasotzen gure lineako komunitatearentzat doakoak diren zerbitzu hauengatik eta ez du bere gain hartzen erosle eta saltzailearen arteko akordioen erantzukizunik.
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