270 €
Firewire Seaside & Beyond FCS II 7'6
See all ads from michelangelo
Prezioa: 700 €
Ohol mota: Fish
Neurria: 7'6
Egoera: Excellent
Salmenta lurraldea: Europa - Beste Herri batzuk
The board only has been ridden for 2 weeks. I did not notice any pressure spots or similar, it really looks like new. Only on the board bottom there are some glue marks which can be removed (from transport protection)
It is a mid length boards, more or less a strechted out fish designed by Rob Machado.
I sell it because I do not surf that long boards and they are a bit complicated to travel with the airplane.
FCS II Fin System.
Date: 09-25-2023
4838 Hit(s)
Ohol mota: Fish
Neurria: 7'6
Egoera: Excellent
Salmenta lurraldea: Europa - Beste Herri batzuk
The board only has been ridden for 2 weeks. I did not notice any pressure spots or similar, it really looks like new. Only on the board bottom there are some glue marks which can be removed (from transport protection)
It is a mid length boards, more or less a strechted out fish designed by Rob Machado.
I sell it because I do not surf that long boards and they are a bit complicated to travel with the airplane.
FCS II Fin System.
Date: 09-25-2023
4838 Hit(s)
Bigarren eskuko artikuluak partikularren artean saltzen dira. Artikulu hauetakoren bat erosteko interesa baduzu, saltzailearekin harremanetan jarri eta bi aldeen artean erosketa eta bidalketa kostuak negoziatu behar dituzu. Surfmarket-ek ez du inolako ordainketa edo komisiorik jasotzen gure lineako komunitatearentzat doakoak diren zerbitzu hauengatik eta ez du bere gain hartzen erosle eta saltzailearen arteko akordioen erantzukizunik.
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