Prezioa: 450 €
Ohol mota: Shortboard
Neurria: Baino gutxiago 5'10
Egoera: Excellent
Salmenta lurraldea: Euskadi
Vendo tabla de surf Superbrand, modelo de Dion Agius CRAFT II

Medidas 5´9- 19 1/2- 2 3/8 28.3L

Esta en prefecto estado, un par de baños

SUPERbrand Shapers' Collective members Nuno Matta, Adam "Sparrow" Fletcher, and Jason Koons share their insight on the Dion Agius 'Craft ||' Model.

Even with all the traveling and wide variety of waves he rides, Dion Agius is constantly ordering his boards short and stout. The Craft II is just that. It’s built to suit his needs and let his imagination run amok. Maximum maneuverability and versatility—enjoy!

• Wide, curvy outline
• Low smooth rocker
• Deep, single concave from entry to the fins with slight double off the back end
• 5 plug set up for tri/quad fin option
• Wide squash tail
• Ride 4-5" shorter and ¾” - 1” wider than a normal shortboard
Date: 09-30-2015
10906 Hit(s)


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SUPERBRAND 5´9 modelo craft II  EPS carbon railsSUPERBRAND 5´9 modelo craft II  EPS carbon railsSUPERBRAND 5´9 modelo craft II  EPS carbon rails
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