130 €
Neopreno ZION Talla S
See all ads from Alain
Prezioa: 200 €
Lodiera: 5x4
Egoera: New
Salmenta lurraldea: Euskadi
Vendo neopreno de invierno NUEVO, A ESTRENAR
+INFO:whatsapp o e-mail
Talla; S
Marca; ZION
Modelo; Vault 5/4/3
-Ergonomic cut
-100% S Seal Externally Liquid Taped
-100% superstretch Japanese limestone based neoprene. Warmer and kinder to the environment than regular neoprene
-No mess about easy access chestzip system.
-New and improved glideskin neck
-3D ink logos that won't fade, peel or crack
Interior wrist and ankle grips to prevent the awkward slide
Date: 06-20-2016
17732 Hit(s)
Lodiera: 5x4
Egoera: New
Salmenta lurraldea: Euskadi
Vendo neopreno de invierno NUEVO, A ESTRENAR
+INFO:whatsapp o e-mail
Talla; S
Marca; ZION
Modelo; Vault 5/4/3
-Ergonomic cut
-100% S Seal Externally Liquid Taped
-100% superstretch Japanese limestone based neoprene. Warmer and kinder to the environment than regular neoprene
-No mess about easy access chestzip system.
-New and improved glideskin neck
-3D ink logos that won't fade, peel or crack
Interior wrist and ankle grips to prevent the awkward slide
Date: 06-20-2016
17732 Hit(s)
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