Prezo: 400 €
Tipo de Táboa: Fish
Medida: 5'10 - 5'11
Estado: New
Zona de Venda: Cataluña
Retro Style Fish Hibrid.
Roberto Ricci Design.
Size (inch):
5'10''x21''x2 7/16''

A fish by definition, a deep swallow tail, resin tints and polish gloss. Designed not just as an exercise in nostalgia, but to be user friendly.
The bottom shape is a light single to double concave to allow for maneuverability uncommon to traditional fish design. Full rails provide max volume for small waves. Get the Scodona approximately 6 inches shorter that your everyday board, or go the same length for maximum wave catching.
Date: 01-30-2018
15900 Hit(s)


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Fish Surf RRD Retro StyleFish Surf RRD Retro StyleFish Surf RRD Retro StyleFish Surf RRD Retro StyleFish Surf RRD Retro StyleFish Surf RRD Retro StyleFish Surf RRD Retro Style
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