Prezzo: 650 €
Stato: Eccellente
Zona di vendita: Andalusia
Selling LF P1 16m. Kite only with bag, no bar. Like new. Used once for testing. Too big for me. All scam buyers pls don't even bother.
Data: 05-08-2021
5444 Hit(s)


Constantine Khouleshoff
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Liquid Force P1 16m. Like new. Used only 1 time.Liquid Force P1 16m. Like new. Used only 1 time.Liquid Force P1 16m. Like new. Used only 1 time.Liquid Force P1 16m. Like new. Used only 1 time.Liquid Force P1 16m. Like new. Used only 1 time.Liquid Force P1 16m. Like new. Used only 1 time.
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