Freestyle Wave Full Wood Sandwich 103 2020
Ver anuncios de storefeelviana
Precio: 945 €
Estado: Excelente
Zona de venta: Portugal
The JP Freestyle Wave Full Wood Sandwich, have high performance in any conditions.
It is a powerful all around windsurfing board for light winds, heavy riders or difficult conditions, it also guarantees speed in side to side onshore conditions.
Fecha: 22-06-2022
3575 Visitas
Estado: Excelente
Zona de venta: Portugal
The JP Freestyle Wave Full Wood Sandwich, have high performance in any conditions.
It is a powerful all around windsurfing board for light winds, heavy riders or difficult conditions, it also guarantees speed in side to side onshore conditions.
Fecha: 22-06-2022
3575 Visitas
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