300 €
Gary Mcneill Round Pin Quad 5'10
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Prezioa: 700 €
Ohol mota: Shortboard
Neurria: 5'10 - 5'11
Egoera: Excellent
Salmenta lurraldea: Asturiasko Printzerria
5,10 x 20 x 2 1/2. Quad. Round Pin. Shapeada por Gary Mcneill en magic quiver, Ericeira. Shaper de Dave Rastovich. Quad. Round pin. Se puede surfear como twin fin. Tabla increiblemente rapida. Aguanta tamaño. Proven to be the most popular Gary McNeill has made as it’s such a versatile all-rounder. If you only have one board this is it. Works well in any size or fin configuration. Also works as a stepup board.
Date: 06-05-2022
10367 Hit(s)
Ohol mota: Shortboard
Neurria: 5'10 - 5'11
Egoera: Excellent
Salmenta lurraldea: Asturiasko Printzerria
5,10 x 20 x 2 1/2. Quad. Round Pin. Shapeada por Gary Mcneill en magic quiver, Ericeira. Shaper de Dave Rastovich. Quad. Round pin. Se puede surfear como twin fin. Tabla increiblemente rapida. Aguanta tamaño. Proven to be the most popular Gary McNeill has made as it’s such a versatile all-rounder. If you only have one board this is it. Works well in any size or fin configuration. Also works as a stepup board.
Date: 06-05-2022
10367 Hit(s)
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