1290 €
JP Australia Super Sport 111 2020
See all ads from storefeelviana
Prezioa: 1.035 €
Egoera: Good
Salmenta lurraldea: Portugal
Keeping the original shape of this windsurf board offer easy handling at incredible speeds, these free-race shapes are more comfortable and easier to navigate.
They have an early release, accelerate incredibly fast, and fly freely in calm or choppy waters.
The comfortable position of the JP Asutralia Super Sport 2020 will give you the confidence to take the board as quickly as possible.
It is now much easier to perform powerful and dynamic rotations.
Date: 06-22-2022
4543 Hit(s)
Egoera: Good
Salmenta lurraldea: Portugal
Keeping the original shape of this windsurf board offer easy handling at incredible speeds, these free-race shapes are more comfortable and easier to navigate.
They have an early release, accelerate incredibly fast, and fly freely in calm or choppy waters.
The comfortable position of the JP Asutralia Super Sport 2020 will give you the confidence to take the board as quickly as possible.
It is now much easier to perform powerful and dynamic rotations.
Date: 06-22-2022
4543 Hit(s)
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