1075 €
JP Australia Magic Wave Pro 105/89/82 2021
See all ads from storefeelviana
Prezioa: 1.290 €
Egoera: Good
Salmenta lurraldea: Portugal
A completely new all around windsurf board that combines and beats all the best features of the previous boards.
JP Australia Magicwave takes its speed from its Thruster Quad, the versatility of Waves Slates and is very easy to navigate in “real world waves”.
Date: 06-22-2022
4559 Hit(s)
Egoera: Good
Salmenta lurraldea: Portugal
A completely new all around windsurf board that combines and beats all the best features of the previous boards.
JP Australia Magicwave takes its speed from its Thruster Quad, the versatility of Waves Slates and is very easy to navigate in “real world waves”.
Date: 06-22-2022
4559 Hit(s)
Bigarren eskuko artikuluak partikularren artean saltzen dira. Artikulu hauetakoren bat erosteko interesa baduzu, saltzailearekin harremanetan jarri eta bi aldeen artean erosketa eta bidalketa kostuak negoziatu behar dituzu. Surfmarket-ek ez du inolako ordainketa edo komisiorik jasotzen gure lineako komunitatearentzat doakoak diren zerbitzu hauengatik eta ez du bere gain hartzen erosle eta saltzailearen arteko akordioen erantzukizunik.
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